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Is self-realization possible without teachers and without studying books? Sri Ramana Maharshi was born on the 30th of December, 1879 in Tamil Nadu. He was renowned for his saintly life. [...]
Virtues for Awakening

Virtues for Awakening

Virtues for Awakening Virtues are the most precious treasure. Students take many classes from different teachers, related to various energy or spiritual methods, hoping that their psychic, manifestation and healing [...]
Awakening Divine Love

Awakening Divine Love

Falling in love is a natural phenomenon, an inbuilt desire in all humans irrespective of age, educational background or financial status. Regardless of their social and economic circumstances, all people [...]
Spiritual Bliss

Spiritual Bliss

A Look Behind Happiness and Suffering What is every human searching for? From the moment of birth, every human being desires happiness and wants to end their suffering. Can we [...]


A truly spiritual person consistently searches for truth in ancient scriptures, science and nature, without being attached to any particular belief system. A person on a spiritual path strives to [...]
You Literally Sparkle

You Literally Sparkle

Scientific Understanding of Vision Our understanding of vision took a long time to develop. Many obstacles had to be overcome: fundamental misunderstandings about the nature of light (physics), prohibitions against [...]