Energy Transfer with the Hands
The laying on of hands for spiritual healing, initiation and blessings is as old as humanity itself. Transfer of energy with the hands has been used for thousands of years. Spiritual therapy is neither magic nor a mysterious process. It’s in fact a very natural ability with which every human is born, but in many cases fails to actualize it, unaware of their abilities. Human potential is infinite. Some people are gifted with spiritual abilities and great compassion, while others are initiated by a teacher.

Children naturally place their hands on their stomach or tooth when it hurts them, as this reduces their pain. Every human being has a quality of “healing hands”. Ancient shamans around the world, including the Native Americans transferred blessings and energy with the hands. What do the scriptures say? In Christianity, the laying on of hands is a method of invoking the Holy Spirit during baptisms, healing services, blessings, and ordination of priests, along with a variety of holy ceremonies. In Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, diksa or initiation can be given through teacher’s touch with the purpose of blessing and purifying the student and nurture them in teacher’s light. Initiation by touch is called sparśa dīkṣā, bestowing of divine grace or transfer of spiritual energy. This energy is not quantifiable and measurable by means of electronic devices.
Sufis and Kabbalists use touch, prayer and meditation for energy transfers. Sufis are known to transmit Divine Light energy Nur by using hands, breath or meditation. They claim to be the channel of God’s energy: “Allah heals”. The term Ruqya is applied for a healing by reciting specific words from Quran. The process of spiritual healing, according to the Kabbalah and Torah, is accomplished through the inter-involvement of the spiritual teacher’s hands (touch), eyes (sight), and mouth (speech). The reassuring words “sweeten” the consciousness of the concerned person, filling him with hope and confidence, the psychological state conducive to wellness.
God said to Moses, “Take Joshua son of Nun, a man of spirit, and lay your hands on him”. (Num 27:15–23) “Joshua son of Nun was filled with a spirit of wisdom, because Moses had laid his hands on him.” (Deuteronomy 34:9) The Tanakh teaches that transfer of spiritual wisdom from one leader to another can be done by laying of hands, as Moses ordained Joshua through semikhah— by the laying on of hands.
Jesus’ most common practice in healing is touch, often described in the Bible as “laying his hands on” the one to be healed (Matthew 9:18; Mark 5:23; 6:5; 7:32;8:22–25; Luke 13:13). Jesus also “lays his hands” on the little children who come to him, to bless them (Matthew 19:13–15; Mark 10:16). His apostles become his hands, and they healed with touch. Ananias “lays his hands” on Paul, three days after the Damascus road encounter, to restore his sight (Acts 9:12, 17). And Paul’s hands, in turn, become channels of energy (Acts 14:3; 19:11), including the laying of his hands on a sick man on Malta to heal him (Acts 28:8). God is pleased to use the apostles’ laying on of hands as means of the coming of the Spirit among new people and places — first in Samaria (Acts 8:17) and then beyond, in Ephesus (19:6).
Buddhist’s loving-kindness metta meditation is an example of transferring energy. By having a concentrated thought of wellness, happiness and loving-kindness towards us or others we convert this mental energy into physical energy. Just as the clouds temporarily block the sun but are not of the same nature as the sun, our problems or sickness are temporary and the causes of them can be removed from the mind. Commonly referred to as the “Medicine Buddha”, he is described as a doctor in Mahayana Buddhism who cures dukkha (suffering) by using the medicine of his teachings. Lama also visualizes the Medicine Buddha’s right hand as forming a “gesture of meditative mudra” and his left hand as holding a lapis lazuli begging bowl filled with amrta (healing nectar). Tibetan medicine is mostly herbal medicine, but its uniqueness lies in the fact that in the course of its preparation it is blessed extensively with prayers and mantras.
Siddhis are spiritual abilities acquired through the practice of yoga. In Patañjali’s Yoga Sutras IV.1 it is stated, “Accomplishments may be attained through birth, the use of herbs, mantras, self-discipline or samadhi”. Siddhis can include various supernatural abilities such as realizing whatever one desires, control of 5 elements and senses, and control of natural forces among others. Saddhu, the one who has attained Siddhi abilities thus can bring anyone in a state of wellness at will and in an instant. Those abilities are not regarded as magical, but a result of continuous training in this or past lives. If one experiences bliss and wellness spontaneously in the presence of the spiritual teacher, the chances are that he or she is a Saddhu. The spiritual teachers who obtained siddhis should never apply them for the sake of fame. The Buddha advised that it is wiser to achieve freedom from bondage of samsara than to attain any or all of the powers, and if gained not to display them publicly.
In the 19th century, Swami Ramalingam (Vallalar) revealed that the Jothi, Divine Light has healing powers. He said that humanity had lost it’s awareness of the connection to our divine inner power, the Light or Jothi. The inner power is always available and has always been available to humanity.
Chakras in Yoga, Lataif in Sufism, Dantians in Taoism, and Sefirot in Kabbalah are energetic centers in various traditions, which are used for energy transfers from the higher planes into the physical. So called miracles are in fact ordinary acts by well trained practitioners of those paths. Ancient cultures such as Incas developed the knowledge of Light and chakras, connecting the paths between the physical and spiritual worlds, and activation of the cells of the body with the “healing hands.” One has to wonder how it is possible that Incas from South America and Sages from India had the same understanding of chakras thousands of years ago, without Internet or telephone. The ancient Essenes were dedicated to natural therapies. Medical Qigong is the energetic foundation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. Qigong practitioners emit Qi energy with the intention to help others by usually placing hands on the receiver through massage, acupressure, or touch, by energizing precious stones, water and herbal formulas to enhance their properties or by placing hands several inches above the body and emitting Qi.
Born in the 19th century, brother André showed endless devotion for poor and sick and was recognized by Vatican as a Saint, confirming at least two miraculous healings. Even though he was illiterate, Brother Andre performed thousands of energy transmissions with the hands, by using a vegetable oil and prayer, while being a doorman at the Notre Dame College in Côte-des-Neiges, Montreal. André declared himself a simple man, incapable of miracles. “I am nothing,” he would say, “only a tool in the hands of Providence, a lowly instrument at the service of St. Joseph.” The Saint Joseph Oratory in Montreal that he helped build is a strong spiritual energy vortex and is visited by pilgrims from around the world. Brother André’s compassionate heart was fashioned from his own suffering and teaches us to honor the dignity of all people no matter who knocks on our door. In Italy, Father Lachapelle said André is known as the “Padro Pio” of Canada, a reference to the famous southern Italian priest, known for applying his healing abilities, who was canonized in 2002.
The elderly priest Father Andre Allemant in France believes that he helps people by channeling love energy from his body into theirs by laying of his hands upon them. “I feel a surge of power flood through me as I concentrate on my patient’s illness”, he explained “I sense their own natural defenses are blocked, which is why they become ill. I send them waves of God’s love and power, which restores their own ability to heal themselves.” April 11, 1995

The Ostrog Monastery in Montenegro is visited by up to a million tourists and pilgrims every year and has numerous accounts of people getting better, after praying to St. Basil. Legend has it that the room was filled with light at the time of Saint Basil’s death and that his body was perfectly preserved seven years after his death, and had a scent of sweet basil. The Christian Orthodox Church dedicated to Vaislije Saint Basil of Ostrog displays St. Basil in the Prithvi Mudra. Prithvi mudra is a symbolic, ritualistic gesture of the hands often used in a spiritual yoga practice to promote healing and spiritual balance within the body. A Sanskrit term, prithvi means “the vast one” and is also the name for Earth.

Shiva, Buddha, and Jesus are depicted making hands gestures in a number of widely recognized images. To an untrained eye, this could merely be coincidence, but upon further examination it appears that each spiritual teacher might actually be using a yogic “mudra.” The ancient sages used mudras to direct energy of the five elements (space, air, fire, water, and earth) in the human body.
Michelangelo painted Jesus pointing the fingers of fire, air and space elements upwards and closing the fingers representing water and earth elements, that of the form. On the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo captured the magic of creation by the hint of two hands touching: the hand of God from whom life flows and the hand of Adam, the first human being to receive God’s life-giving force. Interestingly, according to Michelangelo a woman was present with God when Adam was created.

The symbol of the universal gesture of the hamsa / khamsa hand is that the spiritual energy field is most easily transmitted through the hands. The hamsa is a sign of protection that also represents blessings, power and strength, and is seen as potent in deflecting the evil eye. Early use of the hamsa has been traced to ancient times. In Judaism, the hamsa represents the hand of God and is known as ‘The Hand of Miriam’, the sister of Moses. In Islam, the hamsa is known as ‘The Hand of Fatima’ the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. For Hindus and Buddhists, the hamsa represents the chakras, the five senses and their associated mudras (hand gestures) that re-direct energy flow throughout the body: 1- Thumb- Fire element / solar plexus chakra, 2- Forefinger- Air element / the heart chakra, 3-Middle Finger- Ether element / throat chakra, 4-Ring Finger- Earth element / root chakra, 4-Pinkie Finger- Water element / sacral chakra. Hindu rishi and Saddhus have been given the title of paramhamsa, that is, the supreme hamsa. It connotes a particular person who has reached a high level of spirituality. The hand with a wheel on the palm symbolizes ahimsā in Jainism with ahiṃsā written in the middle. The wheel represents the dharmachakra (Wheel of the Dharma), which stands for liberation from the saṃsāra (karmic cycle of rebirths) through the relentless pursuit of ahimsā (compassion towards all living things).

Denying that spiritual healing and blessing is possible with the laying on of hands would deny every single spiritual tradition’s validity. On the other hand, some traditions claim that it’s their exclusive right to transfer energy with the hands, while this method is not even patentable, nor is it novel and unique. Claiming an exclusive right over transfer of energy comes from false beliefs and ignorance. The author attended various Reiki schools, and each one believed that their method is original and more effective than the others. It’s challenging to get away from the superiority complex of ego that tricks people into believing that they have found the Ark of Covenant or the Philosopher Stone or that they are more divine than others.
Developing unconditional love in our hearts is more valuable than having diamonds, as this unique love energy can be directed towards us and those around us to realize wellness, happiness and peace. Those who have pure hearts and concentrate their entire being on transferring energy of unconditional love, bless the receiver with harmony and balance, remotely or in person. This natural ability does not depend on them believing in God, nor their education, status, nationality, religion or profession. Receiving teachings and initiations from a qualified teacher who developed many virtues has vast benefits.
“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”― Rumi
Today, we have many names for transfer of energy with the hands. One of them is called Reiki. Reiki is the energy transfer with the hands or remotely by using unconditional love known as Agape in an active expression of compassion. Reiki is easy to learn and represents a deep meditation by focusing our mind on ancient letters and our heart on universal love. In Buddhism, single pointed concentration on an image or an object is called the Shamatha Meditation. Selfless service and divine love towards all, fostered by Reiki is expressed well in the Bible and Sufi teachings or by saints like Vallalar, although receiving and giving Reiki energy does not require believing in Divine origin of the Earth. Reiki balances the chakras and starts developing the Siddhi abilities, so that wishing well to others may have immediate realization effects. Reiki practitioner’s hands will often heat up as a result of the flow through their palms. Reiki has numerous benefits, recorded by a way of modern scientific studies. Reiki is not exclusive to one religion and is available to everyone. Some call it the Divine Light, God’s energy, some call it spiritual energy or Holy Spirit, some call it Kundalini or Shekinah. Giving it different names does not change its essence or nature of transformation, an internal alchemy of human being.
There is a more pragmatic explanation of wellness. Stress is the major cause of many diseases. Being in a space of unconditional love energy vibration, mental, emotional and physical bodies of the person relax. Once our body relaxes- it knows how to heal itself. Thus, Reiki is a holistic wellness method. Reiki, as a gentle relaxation method was measured for its efficiency in numerous clinical trials, and based on results is incorporated in hospitals. Doctors such as Dr. Oz, recommend Reiki as the number one alternative therapy. Reiki does not depend on one’s belief. Scientific results measured after Reiki sessions include reduced pain, reduced fatigue, reduced inflammation, normalized blood pressure, normalized body temperature, normalized heart beat, normalized respiration rate, balanced parasympathetic nervous system, improved energy, improved relaxation, reduced anxiety and worry, reduced depression, improved mood, improved sleep, reduced loneliness, improved attitude, improved memory, eased surgery pressure, improved behaviour, improved self-confidence, improved sense of calm, reduced burn-out of nurses and doctors, reduced side effects of cancer therapies, improved quality of life, improved wellbeing and more. Reiki sessions demonstrated no negative, toxic side effect. This is in line with the natural therapy principles: “First Do No Harm” (primum non nocere), based on the Hippocratic Oath. Naturo-therapy is used for prevention and relaxation and a naturo-therapist is a life coach and a spiritual teacher. Today, the insurance receipts are issued for the Reiki sessions, as medical bills decrease and employee productivity rises with regular relaxation sessions.
Naturo-therapies like Reiki, meditation, yoga, healthy nutrition and spiritual holidays are part of the services offered by the wellness industry, which is now a $4.2 trillion global industry, with 12.8% growth from 2015-2017, according to the Global Wellness Institute. “Once upon a time, our contact with wellness was occasional: we went to the gym or got a massage. But this is changing fast: a wellness mindset is starting to permeate the global consumer consciousness, affecting people’s daily decision-making – whether food purchases, a focus on mental wellness and reducing stress, incorporating movement into daily life, environmental consciousness, or their yearning for connection and happiness,” noted Katherine Johnston, senior research fellow, Global Wellness Institute. “Wellness, for more people, is evolving from rarely to daily, from episodic to essential, from a luxury to a dominant lifestyle value. And that profound shift is driving powerful growth.”
The author uses the whole-food plant based nutrition with reduced fat based on Dr. Colin Campbell center for nutritional studies and has daily exercises of Reiki and yoga to keep energy levels high and flowing. We organize spiritual pilgrimages to sacred energy places. The author teaches Reiki at the DivineYu Academy: 9 levels of DivineYu Reiki and 3 levels of HolyFire Reiki. To register for the Reiki class, please call (514) 999-4018 or send an email to