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Fourth and Fifth Degree DivineYu Reiki

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Heal Your Root, Sacral, Heart and Throat Chakras!

Available only to the Third Degree Reiki Masters certified by the DivineYu Academy. Upon completion, you will receive a Fourth and Fifth Master Degree Certificate in the DivineYu Usui system of Reiki from the DivineYu Academy.

In the Fourth Degree Reiki course, you will learn:

  • the principles of the fourth degree of Reiki;
  • ORTH NAHAT secret symbol and its use;
  • the techniques for healing of Muladahara (the root chakra), related to sexual energy;
  • the techniques for healing practices Anahata (the heart chakra), addressing diseases of heart and lungs.

In the Fifth degree Reiki course, you will learn:

  • the principles of the fifth degree of Reiki;
  • GED UR secret symbol and its use;
  • the techniques for healing of Swadhisthana (the 2nd chakra), addressing diseases of kidneys, intestine and colon;
  • the techniques for healing of Vishuddha (the throat chakra), addressing diseases of the throat;
  • practice public speaking.


Duration: 2 days, 16 training hours.
Fees: $250 + tax.