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Fourth and Fifth Degree DivineYu Reiki
Heal Your Root, Sacral, Heart and Throat Chakras!
Available only to the Third Degree Reiki Masters certified by the DivineYu Academy. Upon completion, you will receive a Fourth and Fifth Master Degree Certificate in the DivineYu Usui system of Reiki from the DivineYu Academy.
In the Fourth Degree Reiki course, you will learn:
- the principles of the fourth degree of Reiki;
- ORTH NAHAT secret symbol and its use;
- the techniques for healing of Muladahara (the root chakra), related to sexual energy;
- the techniques for healing practices Anahata (the heart chakra), addressing diseases of heart and lungs.
In the Fifth degree Reiki course, you will learn:
- the principles of the fifth degree of Reiki;
- GED UR secret symbol and its use;
- the techniques for healing of Swadhisthana (the 2nd chakra), addressing diseases of kidneys, intestine and colon;
- the techniques for healing of Vishuddha (the throat chakra), addressing diseases of the throat;
- practice public speaking.
Duration: 2 days, 16 training hours.
Fees: $250 + tax.