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Opening of the Chakras and Awakening Kundalini
Open Your Chakras!
The capacity of the chakras are important for the vibrant health and well-being and the life purpose to be fully realized. We’ll use the original Sanskrit symbols to open the chakras.
“To master the Avatar state you must open all the chakras.” From The Last Airbender movie.
On Fridays 7pm-8 pm
Learn how to:
√ Boost your energy level
√ Improve your well being
√ Live a harmonious life
√ Reach your full potential
√ Enable your body to heal rapidly
√ Improve your relationships
√ Develop leadership and creativity
√ Attract abundance
May 27: First Chakra
June 3: Second Chakra
June 10: Third Chakra
June 17: Fourth Chakra
June 24: Fifth Chakra
July 1: Sixth Chakra
July 8: Seventh Chakra
July 15: Kundalini Meditation
Weekly Meditation = $25+tax / meditation
8-week package, if purchased in advance = $88 (taxes included)
Thank you!
Repeating the chakra opening classes is also $88 (taxes included)
FIRST CHAKRA: Mūlādhāra Chakra,
Mūla = Root, Origin, Essence & Ādhāra = Basis, Foundation.
Impacts life energy, life enthusiasm, decisiveness, grounding, and energy of all 7 chakras. Don’t miss the first one.
Chakras are our energy centers, which function like receivers and transformers of the various forms of life energy. We usually use only 5 to 40% of our chakra’s capacity. If the chakra energies are blocked, the basic life force will be slowed down. Not only will physical bodily functions be affected so diseases may manifest, but the thought processes and the mind may also be affected. The Tibetan monks and yogis dedicate their entire lives to developing the chakras such is the importance they place upon of this aspect of development. As a result, and in conjunction with the mind power, they enjoy powers and abilities that would be considered “supernatural”. Classical Greek ideas about the chakras are contained in the writings of Plato and alluded to in the teachings of Pythagoras.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word, meaning, “wheel.” The human chakras are “wheel-like” vortices. The seven primary chakras are located along a central vertical axis of our spine. As one’s development advances, their chakra energies extend further from the body.
DivineYu: (514) 999-4018 or info@divineyu.com
Opening of the Crown Chakra. Opening the Lotus of 1000 petals (spiritual realization step).
7th Chakra: Sahasrāra Chakra
Sahasrāra = thousand, infinite
Anatomical position: Upper part of cerebral hemispheres. Top of the brain cortex. It impacts all systems in our body such as our nervous system, muscular system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, skeletal system, lymphatic system, fascia system, mental health, and skin.
Increasing the capacity of this chakra:
-Awakens our super-consciousness
-Establishes a stronger connection with our true self
-Leads to our realization that beauty and harmony is natural
The lotus also represents purity and non-attachment, and is a symbol of Bhakti or love for the Source. Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe in the ancient scriptures, and Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe in these scriptures, are depicted sitting in a lotus. According to ancient scriptural text which details the life of Gautama Buddha, “the spirit of the best of men is spotless, like the new lotus in the [murky] water which does not adhere to it.” When the Buddha nature (spiritual nature) develops on the inner, the lotus unfolds and blossoms. This is why the Buddha is depicted sitting on a blooming lotus.
Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini is an evolutionary force that awakens as part of our spiritual evolution. In yogic theory, it is a primal energy or Shakti. In the Christian tradition it is referred to as the Holy Spirit. In the Kabbalistic tradition it is known as Shekhina energy. Kundalini is the inner force that opens us to bliss and the Source connection. In modern commentaries, Kundalini has been called “mother energy or intelligence of complete maturation”.

Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini is an evolutionary force that awakens as part of our spiritual evolution. In yogic theory, it is a primal energy or Shakti. In the Christian tradition it is referred to as the Holy Spirit. In the Kabbalistic tradition it is known as Shekhina energy. Kundalini is the inner force that opens us to bliss and the Source connection. In modern commentaries, Kundalini has been called “mother energy or intelligence of complete maturation”.
Kundalini is accelerating our shift in consciousness and is a prerequisite for self-realization. When it is awake in us, we see and feel the life force within ourselves and then evolve to see and feel it in all people, animals, plants, and the living planet itself. As we honor this energy and elevate it, it reconnects and brings us into balance with all that is. Kundalini is considered the energy of the Divine as it is experienced in the individual, it liberates us when we return this energy to its divine origin.
The word “Kundalini” generally refers to that dimension of energy that is yet to realize its potential. The Kundalini awakening or rising means you have found the technology of tapping into that energy. When we tap into this dimension of energy, we must be well grounded and well guided.
The chakras are the focus of many forms of holistic therapies practiced today. Classical Greek ideas about the chakras are contained in the writings of Plato, and alluded to in the teachings of Pythagoras and in the Hermetic traditions. Plato, who lived in the fifth century B.C.E. taught that our soul consists of:
1-Epithymia: desire or instinct (masses, stomach- 1st and 2nd chakras);
2-Thymos: righteousness and passion (warriors, chest- 3rd, 4th and 5th chakras):
3-Logos: wisdom and intuition (philosophers, head- 6th and 7th chakras). The third eye chakra was called in Greek Enkephalos or in Latin Cerebrum. This center Plato considered to be the seat of the psyche, or immortal soul, which the Romans called the genios or anima. The Sanskrit name for this chakra, Ajna, means, “Command Center”.
Additional Reading: The Truth about Our Energy Centers