Dear DivineYu,
Discovering the academy is definitely one of the most important parts of my life. The feeling of being homesick was released as I started coming to the academy. When I started on the path of Reiki I felt free, returning to roots that felt like second nature to me. Being able to help ourselves and others, there’s nothing in life that’s more important, and that’s really what Reiki is to me. Reiki allowed me to tap into who I really am, and from that moment on I felt compelled to share it. Slowly, sharing it with family changed them into more peaceful beings, and allowed me to see them as I once saw them when I was a child. This love and compassion is so pure and profound that we now all share it together.
To allow not only ourselves to heal, but introducing the most positive environment for those around us is so very important. As is said in the teachings, introducing the seed of unconditional love and compassion is the first step to allowing others to believe in themselves. I always tell others, that if everyone in the world had reiki there would be no conflicts. We would be unable to hurt and live to help one another, as we would all share the happiness others feel.
For me, the academy changed my life by allowing the seed of unconditional love and compassion to grow and continue blossoming within me, creating an environment within myself to allow others to feel and want within themselves.
With infinite love, light and gratitude,
Student 1
At the ninth level of the building, reiki training, skyscrapers of meaning leaning towards a spacious
loft nested up into Saint Catherine’s chest, into bodhi’s heaven’s, sacred geometry and pendulums
welcoming us along with a plant-based kitchen of holistic teas, bananas, oranges and dates,
essential oils, ancient secrets to be revealed, from Incas to holy fire, warriors, teachers and healers,
creators and bearers, of Light. Shiva-Shakti. Brahma. Vishnu. Create – destroy – preserve.
At the ninth level of the building, reiki training, skyscrapers of meaning, One consciousness
travelling from Ukraine to Mexico, Russia, Croatia and Colombia; from Canada to Brazil,
Portugal, Serbia and Japan; from the Himalayas to the Andes, Peru, Nepal, China, Bali and Brana,
from North to South, East to West, a cosmic map of faces and smiles, dogs, eagles, ducks and
butterflies, hands and palms, tears and fears, Kâli, Buddha, Hanuman, Tara. Where soul
searching, courage, spiritual swords and words swirl; where shamanic drums, Tibetan bowls,
church bells, gongs, ganga water and silence twirl, we burst into Presence and laughter, dancing
from all corners of the World, planes, elements and dimensions. We trust. We heal. We surrender.
From Reiki 1 to 9, and all over again, from Shamatha meditation to mantra chanting, Kabbalah
studies to ancestral healing, mandala, pranayama, pyramids, crystals, cleansing the auras and
chakras, passing through lavender fields then lakes and mountains, going back to Source,
regression, reiki initiation, releasing emotion, letting go and letting in more and more boundless
Love and Compassion – from strangers to healers, grandmasters to friends, merging into – One.
Reiki family.
all of us so different yet
the same beating Heart
different canvas, language, nation
yet the same divine intention
holding the pacha mama stick Anjali mudra Ananda bliss
for all beings
of all worlds
to be
and green
free from war, poverty, disease and all poisons – of the mind
an anchor, a guidance, a step forward, an energetic
current of white red purple orange…
a channel inside and beyond, above and below
gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
beyond the beyond
I remember
We are –
Student 2
Beyond this and that
Painting by GM Verona Sorensen, she’s not the author of the article
Brana she is not only my teacher, but my friend too 😊
She opened to me the door of knowledge that I was looking for many years and she held my hand and guided me along my journey of transformation.
I’ve started to write the poems, to heal people and animals, to teach Reiki and to bring some joy and hope in someone’s life who is in need and asking for.
I found myself and I have reached my truly home, the home of unconditional love and compation 💞🕊And I have built the most wonderful relation in my life—the relation with the Source!😊
So, this is my story, the story of a butterfly🦋
Thank you Brana for your kindness and your support🤗 Thank you for being in my life and in my heart! Love you 💞🌷🌞
Student 3
I became a student at the academy in the summer of 2017. I had been asked by a friend to visit the Metaphysical show of Montreal with her, to find someone to send reiki to her sick mom living abroad. At the time I knew nothing about it and little did I know that the most exciting experience of my life was about to begin. Who would have thought that 3 years later I would be this whole new person living a completely different life?
I met Brana on that day at the academy’s booth and became her student right away. She is the most amazing teacher. She embodies compassion, love and devotion. Her calm, presence and generosity are literally out of this world. It took me all these years to finally get rid of the blockage of self doubt that she saw in me that day, but throughout that very same process, hundreds of other lessons and and tons of magic appeared everywhere; I was blessed with a new member in our family, I met the right people at the perfect time, I found the right books, I naturally attracted the abundance that I had been chasing prior to finding the academy, I adopted a whole food plant based diet and inspired many others do the same including my own parents, I manifested jobs and encountered the specific challenges what were much needed for my self-realization, and life just simply always seemed to unfold as it should. Becoming a student at the academy is like walking on earth with new eyes, where random events become precious miracles through the lens of gratitude and appreciation. I learned that we are divine and that no one can take our divinity away from us no matter what! That I am perfect right now but that I was already perfect before too! Perfect Whether meditating in bed or doing the lotus position, no matter what color of clothes I wear, what crystals I use, or what I eat, I humbly say I just am! I have learned all the tools, yes, you’ve read right: all the tools I need to thrive in life and to help other people do the same; from loving and respectful nourishing of mind, soul and body with wholistic nutrition to energy and relaxation therapies, remembering past lives, most efficient breathing techniques, and all sort of wisdom during our weekly meditations.
Also, Being part of our spiritual family and getting gifted with a cosmic sister who I love and look up to, has been one of the greatest blessings for me; it’s like connecting with a tribe that totally gets you and to whom you can join hearts and minds to help each other and help the world. I learned that there are no mistakes, only lessons and that this process is also perfect. I learned that discipline, eagerness and strong will is nothing without love, and that the greatest amount of sweetness or compassion will be un-useful without it being first directed to ourselves. That we are powerful beyond measure and no full moon nor astrology signs or prophecies have more control over our emotions or our destiny than ourselves! That no matter how impossible our dreams may seem, they will come to us as soon as we are truly ready for them. I learned that we can start serving and teaching at the right place where we are now and with what we have. I finally understood the true meaning of harmonization of word, thought and emotions and that we don’t need to be at a sacred destination or at a temple to connect to God because God is everywhere and when done from the heart, every gathering with a friend, walk in nature or hugging your child becomes an energy exchange and a real meditation.
The path at the academy is Not only a path of transformation but a path of rebirth. Thank you so much! Agape Love and light! Truly blessed;
Student 4✨🙏🏼💜
DivineYu Academy a meaningful oasis in our daily life, full of spiritual richness.
An all-encompassing approach to study, learning, life and exploration of self.
One of my teachers was saying in one of her lectures that – ‘’True Education means getting insights coming from inside of you, through learning’’.
These insights open up a window into the essence of human dynamic movement from which everything else evolves and unfolds be it in a Holistic Practice, be it in everyday life in our relationship with our environment.
This valuable principle, which I also found it included in our DivineYu Academy philosophy, constitutes one of the pillars on which are created and offered to students’ core, unique and valuable teachings.
My feeling when I enter the DivineYu Hub platform is that I opened a door into a Universe full of treasures that are waiting to be discovered and showed to the world. It helps, nurtures, guides and encourages us in our journey towards this goal; a journey filled with awe, self-awareness and acceptance, made possible through the dedication, kindness, compassion, passion and Agape Love of DivineYu founder and teacher – our GM Brana.
Eckhart Tolle in one of his daily reminders says: ‘’We are here to find that dimension within ourselves that is deeper than thought.’’
Within this dimension of conscious awareness, our evolution and healing process are intrinsically inter-dependent in a synergistic, continuously happening movement and I am really grateful that the Academy offers us the sacred space to discover and explore it for a greater self-realization in the service of humankind.
Thank you Brana, for being here for us and helping our evolution! I especially chosen to write this essay on this 1-st day of this new
year as a good, positive start on this year to come.
Student 5
The Academy has been my magical place; guiding me to finding my inner wholeness. I know I had been searching for a long time. A chance meeting at an art gallery event, led to an invitation to an artist launch party. At this party, I discovered many of the people attending had been or were students at the Academy. I felt this was a magical sign for sure! My own exploration with the arts had morphed from painting and drawing, into attending art openings, museums and exhibitions while I concentrated on dance. I began my exploration immersed in art. Passionate about learning, my projects were classes in oil painting, pastels and drawing workshops. I took evening art history classes at Concordia; with no real goal other than learn more about painters and architecture.
Slowly, I transformed the visual arts exploration into exploring dance, classes in contemporary and later Latin dances became my favourite form of exercise. This whole transition happened over fifteen years while mostly working a full time job. So to get back to the Academy and how it helped me, I learned that my magical place is inside myself. This pencil on paper drawing I had done in those years was part of a class exercise to explore your magical place.
So that chance meeting which drew me to the Academy came about in the year after my dad passed away. His recovery had been long and slow, yet successful and so his passing was after a peaceful quiet time with our family. I was experiencing emptiness, yet peacefulness and my misunderstanding of why my grief was taking this path, led me to search for more answers. You see, I have this deep need to understand! The Wednesday mediation evenings at the Academy became my comfort. The Academy space had an energy which inspired my return week after week, even though I had no answers. My path was a slow one, taking workshops and Reiki classes at a pace I felt comfortable with, as I watched members in the group progressing and blooming into Reiki grandmasters and Wellness business entrepreneurs. My own need was slow introspection.
During this entire pandemic, I continued with all the meditations offered online as it gave me so much comfort. I felt challenged during this time with immediate family members having health issues unrelated to Covid19, so these meditations online became a magical place to share in the group energy. I managed to add Reiki 4 & 5 to my knowledge base this year, so the DivineYu virtual online classes create a magical space as well. I am so blessed and so very grateful to Brana and this loving community!
Happy 2021 everyone !!
Student 6
Happy holidays and may we have a better year filled with beautiful
surprises xoxox
I am very grateful to the Academy and to my Reiki family especially
during this Covid year. I have felt at home and I am glad that we were
able to do all the classes online. Thank you this year. I was able to
spend more time on myself, digging inwards, investing on myself, on my
selfcare and during this Covid year by doing all the inner work I’ve
come to realize that through the Academy’s teachings and meditations
there’s always light from within, that there’s always a gem to be dug
out. Our perspective is our best tool and to be able to share our
knowledge with others is what strengthens and embodies it within. I
have learned so much this year at the Academy. I am truly grateful to
you Brana and to all of the members of the Academy that make it my
home. I am grateful to have shared all this time with you and helped
me grow and I hope I brought some light as well. I am wishing
everybody to have an amazing new year filled with abundance, love,
joy, happiness, health and opportunities to grow and share with others
to spread love. Thank you for being an inspiration. If I had only one
word to put that would describe what the Academy has done for me this
year is it inspired me to be a better person to work on myself, to
care more for others, to dig, to nurture, to look more, to feel thank you thank you thank you thank you.
Blessings to all!
Merci et au plaisir!
Student 7
I new I wanted to learn Reiki at 18 and I thought it did not exist in Montreal. I’m now 46 and it’s A little over 3 years since I 1st called the Academy to ask if it was possible to learn Reiki with a concussion. You said yes. And that was the 1st day of my new path. After Seeing and meeting you your energy the energy of the school was so magical it was like being held in the most loving hug. It was what I now tell my students my True Birthday, Into the most amazing journey of my Life. This is where my path became my dream come true. Today I’m teaching children Reiki and so many of my dreams and Manifestations have come true. #1 waking up as many people as possible has began.# 2 finding my life path? # 3 finding my voice. #4 finding the Man of my dreams.# 5 having amazing Friends that in my heart are my Sisters and Brothers. My heart can not express the Gratitude 🙏 of my new life. For my new added family And Friends and for my new found happiness. The happiness of truly falling in love with me, my faults and all clumsiness you name it deemed good or bad I love every little Cell in my body mind and spirit. I’m truly complete within myself. My gratitude at this joy for what Gifts it has brought me is incredible. The classes to Grandmaster helped me truly feel like I belong on this Earth. The day of Graduation Grand Master was truly like coming home. And now as we launch our new website I feel it’s like giving Birth to new life. And bringing new students to you Brana for those that wish to continue to Grand Master they will be in good hands. I trust you with my Life for you have helped me on this Journey to Happiness and Fulfilment. I now devote my life to not only helping others feeding the poor bringing clean water to children all over the world With my partner but to Bringing love and light to Children so they can be our Future. Teaching them to be empowered and strong enough to take the rainbow light of this New Age into the Higher Consciousness of this new world moving forward.
Blessings Brana and Thank you 🙏 for this Joy in my heart ❤️
Thank you xoxo Your loving student who will be a student for life for
I know absolutely nothing other than the love in my Heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Blessings Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New Years
Love For Infinity
Student 8
Thank you dear Brana for bringing us light and wellness,
specially during this times of crisis.🍃_
When I was born, a seed of blue light came with me.
I´m from the Blue Sun far away from Planet Earth.
When I was a child, my seed was bright,
experiencing life, dancing with rains and ocean waves.
When I grow up I didn´t understand
how different I was,
wondering about colors, smells and lights,
asking without answer, over and over again.
Then, one day of 2020 year, it happened: I saw it clear.
I finally understood what I always knew.
DivineYu helped me to see by closing my eyes,
Funny thing.
I can feel now how color gratitude looks like.
The color of love inlighting me of joy.
The secret is really simple: Love is transparent.
A crystal quartz, a river stone,
a big strong tree in the forest deep,
also you and me, and the exotic fruits,
all of them are painted by the color love.
One single color shows up as blue, gold, green or gray
Can move the winds and heal my soul.
All of us share the same essential color
No matter what if you draw a circle with your hands,
Or imagine lines inside your mind, this color is, in deed, the
If you speak fast, if you read slow,
If you can write or you never danced,
Love is the source, the color love
In the yellow sun and the orquyd black.
My seed is ready, I can wake up,
In DivineYu, here, there and everywhere,
on Planet Earth…
Dear plant of love inside my heart
Thank you for clarity, I see you now.
Once upon a time in 2020 year,
I mean, it is the beginning,
never the end.
Student 9
To say the academy helped me in one or numerous of ways would not do justice, for the beauty of life in a chaotic world is not revealed in the destruction caused by the embers, but the opportunity for new life by which these embers have enabled. I have known and understood my abilities and compassionate heart since I was very young, however the opportunity to express myself outwardly had never presented itself. For it was during this time, where I had been suppressed by those closest to me, although, my eagerness to help others did not stop my instinctive nature to “secretly” heal as many as I could. No matter where I was, the moment I heard someone complain about an ache or a pain, whether physical or emotional, I would quietly go next to that person and send them energy, I was around 10 at the time. The reason behind my eagerness to help others was very much attached to not being able to help myself, since for me, this was the only way I could feel the “light”. I wish to keep this letter with high vibrations; therefore, I will not go into details, but sadly, I fell along a very dark path as I did not know of the light which guides my way. The skills I had developed during that time, while “out of the light” merged with those “in the light”, and because of that, I began to understand that all I saw, whether it was pain and suffering, or joy and bliss, was one in the same. I did not differentiate between good and evil, light, or dark, to me, it simply was…energy.
Years had passed with this thought always attached to my psyche and understanding of energy. And I would practice more and more secretly as it was a part of me, everything I thought and did, I knew and felt the connection to energy. Unfortunately thought, there came a time, when it was very much not accepted in my home life, and I began to let it go without even realizing it. I had no idea how much suppressing the only thing I was 100% sure of, would affect me. I lost myself. I simply became “the other”. Since I had only expressed myself in the past based on my energetic abilities, this meant that I did not even express my true self any longer. It was at the moment, when I felt I was in my darkest days, that the vibrations I was giving off was the reason for not being able to get out of the shadows in the first place. Just one simple sentence, allowed the ladder to be dropped, giving me a glimpse of the light as I was meant to receive it. “I deserved to love and be loved”.
For all the years in the past, not once did this sentence cross my mind, as I’ve mentioned, the light and the dark where all the same to me, as those were the vibrations of my life from very early on. And it was those vibrations, that I was giving off to continuously create what I was experiencing. But that simply sentence was all it took to “switch” my internal energy to begin the search for the manifestation of what my True Self desires. Not more than 3 weeks after I had decided that did Wendy come into my life simply asking what my understanding of energy was. For me, I didn’t know anything about terminology and theory, but just that energy was the life force of all the Universe. That little experience which manifested into my finding you, my dear Brana began my road to something I had never expected. Finding not only an amazing community filled with love and light, but one very special gem filled with love and light just for me. It is truly magical what you and the academy have brought this old soul. I am forever grateful and will forever feel blessed.
God bless you Brana and the Academy, may He always shine the light on you
Student 10
Lions Sun
Ray is of Lion’s sun
Keeping glory insight
Lions sun
To discover what’s within
Chase the sun
Where all is whole
Rays of the sun
Letting secrets unfold
It only takes a moment
Taking back what fear had stole
Purr of Lions sun
And all along the edges
Acknowledging the path
Remembering where it was we came from
Chase the sun and laughter
Knowing that we’ve never stood alone
Feelings of self doubt
True self can be reclaimed
The gift of transformation
We must start with just ourselves
And now we take our place
And all possibility.
Thank you 🙏☀️🧡
Student 12
First, let me share with you when I went through my Awakening I was Blessed to be guided to the Academy where I met a lot of Spiritual people and Specially my Teacher Brana an Awesome Teacher filled with love and wisdom she helped me on my way of discovery. I turned to you Brana with my questions, doubts, fears, traumas, pain, suffering then I cried, laughed, learned and healed most importantly in this process you never made me feel alone instead you made me feel Loved and filled my heart with lots of excitements to this new discovery and learning Journey.
In this process The Academy Helped me discover a path of Understanding, Free of suffering, meditation, free of attachment, a new life habits, life discernments, Wisdom, Unconditional Love … and I can go on for a lot more . This awakening encountered Joy with my higher self, in which I started seeing reality at an elevated level of consciousness, I felt inner abundance and deep connection with others and our environment as well as it changed my life in such a magical way but I applied everything I learned from my teacher I couldn’t of done it without you, you taught me to be Life and not just live life.
Finally I am honoured to say that I am Grateful and proud for everything I learned from you and will continue to learn on a daily basis I am as well very happy to say that I share all this wisdom with every soul I meet in this life with no expectations.
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Love xoxo
Student 13
My journey started at a very young age; as soon as I became aware of my surroundings and my being an active observer and participant. Being born in an amazingly dysfunctional family and a war torn country, I was left feeling like there should be more to life than pain and misery.
Even though money was tight, I had quickly realized that more than anything I needed to be loved in order to feel happy and whole. And so, my quest started. As a young child, I had decided that I would be the model student, getting the best grades, I would never argue or cause trouble, be a good girl and comply, and ALWAYS keep a smile on my face. I was hoping that by doing that people eventually will come to love me and my problems will magically disappear; thus leaving me fulfilled and happy.
Needless to say, that love never came despite my whole hearted efforts. No matter the grades nor the amount of “people pleasing” I did would guarantee my happiness. Challenges kept coming throughout the years which only increased my yearning to find answers to the meaning of life. I would get hit and get up again, reading every spiritual book I could get my hands on, practicing forgiveness, learning about the ego, resentment and surrender. But no matter how much I read or acquired knowledge, I was still left feeling uneasy and incomplete. My quest led me to find Reiki and ultimately to GM Rosie and GM Brana at the Academy. I embraced the opportunity. I hung on to their every word. I devoured their teachings only to be left hungry for more. In a matter of 11 months, I was able to advance from Reiki I to GM!
Sadly though, with all those teachings, I still felt like I was missing something. I still felt like there were many missing pieces to the puzzle. I felt like I had done the work but was still stuck; unable to move forward. What’s worse was the feeling of not knowing what the problem was! That is until I went back to the Academy’s website probing for more, wondering if I had missed a class that would point to the right direction and help solve my mystery. And that’s when I stumbled upon the Virtues For Awakening. Although the concepts in and of themselves were nothing new, rereading them made a light go on in my brain! It just hit me then and there that throughout my life my focus had been outside of myself! I was begging, praying, asking for someone to come and rescue me, to make me whole. But it never came, and I always felt let down. Never once had it occurred to me to look inward. In fact, when I used to hear those words from my yoga teacher, “turn your gaze inward”, I was always baffled and never understood the meaning. It wasn’t until that moment that it all started to make sense to me. I had totally neglected and ignored myself. Although I understood the concepts, I had failed to live by them! I suddenly felt like I had found the missing pieces of the puzzle. I had found the question and the answer simultaneously! I finally understood how my own actions were preventing me from moving forward in my life and fill the void I was so longing for my entire life.
Core values, such as, self-esteem, forgiveness, self-discipline, gratitude and patience had all eluded me. Although I felt like I had forgiven the people who had caused me suffering, I came to realize that I was still attached to the idea of “right” and “wrong”. I was still full of resentment. When I saw Jesus’ words paraphrased from the Bible on my computer screen; “Forgive them Father for they do not know what they are doing”, I suddenly woke up and understood that forgiveness is not true unless you let go of resentment. Rereading those words also made me realize that where there’s resentment, there needs to be forgiveness also to be able to heal and grow. Being attached to what’s right and wrong only creates attachment and thus suffering. Only when you grasp the concept of the person not being aware of the damage he/she is causing will you be able to truly forgive and let go. And then it becomes easier to forgive. Easier to forgive others and forgive yourself, for we are all human after all.
As far as self-discipline goes, how many times have I allowed anger to well up inside and take control of my mind thus bringing my energy down and everyone else’s with me? True, I was able to hold my tongue and nasty words from spewing out but didn’t realize that that wasn’t enough. It’s not enough to be able to control hurtful words when we all know that actions speak louder than words! How many times has my nasty mood contaminated my environment and brought everyone else down with me? Worse of all, how did I expect to move forward when I had no concrete plan of action. How to become aware of myself during challenging moments and how to carry myself. What routines should I put into place to avoid break downs and disappointments in myself?
What about gratitude? Even though this journey has been challenging, I have received countless blessings along the way! Why not stop and focus on those for a moment instead of focusing on what’s missing? Life is full of imperfections but also full of beauty and awe. One moment spent complaining is a moment lost enjoying the beauty of it all!
And now we come to the complicated part. Self-esteem! The connection to the Divine. It is easy to confuse self-esteem with self-confidence; however, Brana’s explanation hit home. If we understand how we are all in essence Divine, we’ve got nothing to prove to ourselves or others. As Lao Tzu’s famous words were staring at me,
“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” – Lao Tzu
I couldn’t help but wonder what my life would have been like if I had just accepted myself as I am, instead of being who or what the outside world wanted me to be? Does the idea of turning our gaze inward sound familiar now?
And what of patience? My impatience to find answers and be on my way to becoming a healer had blinded me to the fact that if I don’t take the time to tend to my own wounds and heal myself first, all would be lost and I will never achieve my goals.
All this to say that without the Academy’s teachings, the constant love, guidance and support of my Reiki GM’s Rosie and Brana, my quest towards love and self-fulfillment would have been futile. I would not have been able to find and put the pieces of the puzzle together, mend my broken pieces, find the meaning of love and ultimately find myself and my path towards awakening!
In love and peace,
Student 14
Dear DivineYu Academy,
It is with great honor to be even considered for such an award, so I will bid my many thanks in advance. Just to give some context as to who I am and why I am applying, is due to the fact that I am a student of life, always curious and eager to learn new and exciting knowledge and/or skills. It would be amazing to have a gift certificate within the academy because it would help me that much further along in my journey!
My initial milestone of education was in 2016 with my Master’s degree, specializing in Cell & Molecular Biology at Concordia University. During the presentation of my thesis, I mentioned in passing the energetics of plants and nature and how hormesis and plant communication makes sense on every scale, which caused a lot of confusion within the room. It was then and there that I realized that although the scientific domain served me well, this was the end of my journey.
Soon after obtaining my degree, I felt an emptiness and a loss of direction. I no longer felt connected to the sciences but I knew there was so much more to expand on, but didn’t know where to start. By the end of 2016 I got into a car accident, where I was given much more perspective on what I needed to work on within myself as well as what areas in my life I was lacking most; it was my lack of connection with my spirituality. It was the following year, in 2017, that I decided to feed my curiosity for spirituality, and for some reason the one modality that piqued my interest the most was Reiki.
I started Reiki 1 & 2 with one teacher who was taught by the academy. Her teachings really pushed me over the edge and opened a door I never thought possible. It started a cascade of interests, such as mediumship, aromatherapy, herbalism, IET, therapeutic touch, etc. I eventually felt a disconnection my teacher and felt the need to change and expand further. After taking many many courses in multiple domains of naturotherapies and traditional medicines, I came across my new teacher and close friend (who also learned from the academy) in 2018. She helped me in my journey even further with my own blockages, revelations and “Aha moments”, until she met her own blockages and my learning with reiki came to a halt. In 2019 I finally decided to jump right in and take a course within the academy with a friend I met in an IET course a few years prior. I decided to learn the Ancient Himalayan Master Energy Practices. It was the one time I finally felt at home. I felt excited, anxious, overwhelmed, ecstatic, all the feelings one would feel when sensing that feeling of belonging. Although I missed so many teachings from the academy, I felt that no matter the journey, all the roads finally led to my final step and growth.
It was this December of 2020 where I finally obtained the great honor of becoming a Grand Master-Teacher. Reiki has always challenged my ego and pushed my limits, and although quite the rocky journey, I regret nothing! I have so much to thank the academy for because I feel that if it wasn’t for the academy, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would have never made so many connections with so many lovely souls, I would have never sought a long journey to find my way to the academy, I would still suffer deeply with anxiety, I wouldn’t have opened my own business to help heal others and teach, and so much more.
Today I can say that the academy has made me a well-rounded individual in the healing arts, has made me face my demons, and as a Light Carrier, I am now ready to embrace all that comes my way, face the darkness without hesitation, and light the path for others. We have all come a long way and especially with 2020 challenging us to become better versions of ourselves as well as realize our true paths, the academy has prepared me to fully embrace the role of the Light Carrier in such revolutionary times! It is such a wonderful time to live this human experience!
Should I be one of the winners for 2021, I would love to expand my Reiki learning with the Holy Fire Usui Advanced Reiki Master Teacher course, the Shamatha Meditation Tibetan Buddhist Practices course, and the Ancient Andean Master Shamanic Practices course. I feel the next step in my journey would be to focus on my own academy, reflecting the values and teachings of the DivineYu academy, along with expanding my healing practices further through connecting with traditional roots to bring forth more ancient values and practices into my own practice.
Thank you for all that you have done and thank you for your consideration.
Wishing peace and love onto you and all those around you.
Love Always,
Student 15
Even though It has been a busy day , I wanted to share with you how the academy has changed my life 🙂.
Every time that I think about Reiki, the reiki family and you, my heart is filled with gratitude. Each level , teaching , new and repeating class reminds me all the beauty of life, the importance of my practice and the opportunity given to me to heal and develop virtues for my wellbeing and the others.
I found the academy in a period of my life that I was living a lot of changes: new country and living for the first time on my own. This is when I asked to the universe to find a way to experience deep love and connection, not only to overcome the new challenges but also to start a new life with a better me.
Before Reiki I was often depressed and I suffered from anxiety. I felt different with no place in the world and with a lot of resentment in my heart.
Since Reiki 1 all the theory about what is really life became experience. I remember that after the initiation I was feeling love for everything and I knew that all the peace and connection that I was looking for was inside and available to me. Reiki brought me confidence, a new way of thinking and acting. I healed old wounds and it changed completely the relationship with my family. After having years without speaking to them (because I didn’t want to), all pain was dissolved and now we talk almost every day 🙂.
I’m sure that after my session with you my baby came right away. She has all that I always dreamed of 🙂. When I was in labor the first thing that I thought was writing to the academy to ask for energy and It helped me a lot. No epidural or medicine to relieve pain was needed.
Lately, I had a breast biopsy and I filled the place with Reiki and I used Reiki on me. Everything was ok, no pain and no fear.
Whenever I can’t sleep Reiki helps me. IF I have a physical discomfort (stomach ache etc.) Reiki is the answer. Since Reiki 3 my crystals are always helping me and helping all the people that have received from me.
My husband and friends that had received Reiki from me had have very nice experiences (my husband always falls sleep hehe). I also use Reiki to calm my baby 🙂. To give Reiki gives me a lot of joy and a curious fact is that after giving energy I often finished with tears in my eyes.
I have manifested a beautiful family and true friends. Also, I found my soul sister in the academy 🙂.
I am a different person , with better intuition , calm, loving , optimistic. I passed from thinking ending my life and feeling lonely to go to sleep everyday with gratitude and with the desired to be a better person. Nowadays, I’m sure that god loves me without conditions because we are part of him. Also, I know that with all the tools learned at the academy everything is possible. I still having a lot to climb in the mountain, a lot to learn and a lot to practice but without a doubt I’m in the right path.
I’ll continue for sure telling my friends and the ones that want to know how I have improved the relationship with myself and my family and how Reiki has changed and continues changing my life.
Thank you Brana for your love and teachings.
Blessings 🙏❤️
Student 16
I started writing short passages in 2018, a couple of months after I started down the Grandmaster Path. I wrote what has become the “Shifted” collection over 2019, completing the majority of the written pieces around the time I finished the Level 9 training. This past year, in 2020, I released each book (in four parts) starting in Spring, over the equinoxes and solstices of the year). The book is my commitment to self-love and healing, always with the hope of sparking collective shifts for us all to experience, over time and certainly when we are ready. The words are meant to help people to describe what they have never found words to be able to express so intimately, finding resonance in the universality of this human experience—something I learned and continue to cultivate in my time spent at the Divine Yu centre, among you all!!
In this collection of writings, readers will travel the four seasons, starting with Spring. Journeying through the myriad of emotions that are drawn to the surface, seasonal releases (Summer, Fall, and Winter) happen over the course of the equinoxes and solstices of the year. Readers are invited to connect with the vibrations found within the words in order to identify the unhealed places within. With increased awareness, architecting new relationships with one’s suffering (which is at once both personal and collective) becomes possible. It is intrinsic to the human experience. Paying attention to the things that vie for the nurturing embrace of both our presence and our listening, doing the powerful work of self-examination in order to find what is truly resonant and what choices need to be made in order to move forward, and finding opportunities to travel to that inner space of stillness, where the pace of progress seems to move a little slower and self-love is a calm, but faithful companion—this is what anyone reading Shifted can look forward to. As you continue to cultivate timeless self-compassion and a deep, abiding knowingness, this book may very well be one tool that you return to in order to recalibrate and heal, sparking transformative shifts, over and over again.
Spring, Chaos:
I stepped into the chaos
I stepped into this sweet melody that had called out to me, by name, for years
Asking to spend time with me
To roll around in the dirt with me
To struggle in the deepest of waters to find the surface
To rise above it all
So I swam through the chaos
This energy of emergence calling to me in a way that only something steeped in knowingness
Like it’s a part of me, apart yet a part
Calling me deep into the woods of my life
Whispering sweet, eerie calls that only the nature of pain can
Through the sounds of the birds diving through the trees that wisp through the years of my life
like a soulful wind
So I walked through the chaos
I saw my feet moving at a steady pace, slowly increasing
And as I picked up speed, this motor that powered this engine, that I felt trapped in, began to
sprint in the direction of the unknown
Like a mare galloping toward safety, carrying the light of the energy of creation within her, not
willing to give birth to this energy in the darkness, searching for an escape in the dead of night
where not even the light of the most powerful moon could reach
So I stopped and I turned
I turned inward to greet this sickening feeling inside me that told me that I would never be
happy again
That I would never know light and I would never know the igniting feeling of joy that comes
with letting down your guard, giving way to the drawbridge, allowing the walls to crumble so
that the fortress I had used to keep me safe could keep this darkness from getting in
But it was already here
So the chaos stepped into me
And as I looked into it, and held it knowing that this was my life now
That healing would be my forever feeling that would reach within the far reaching expanse for
who it is that calls me, calls me by name
And I just breathed
If this was life, then this was it, I had arrived
And in this softening, like a mother holding her newborn child in her arms, staring deep into its
eyes, I looked at this pain with a warmth and a joy, this solemn companion that I had never
taken the time to hold with such freedom
So I held the chaos
And it held me too, with the lightness of the world I had been searching for, looking to cultivate,
seeking to nurture within myself, in the depths of my heart
For it was through holding you close
holding, not avoiding
holding, not denying
holding, not suffocating
just holding
no story
no goal
no aim
That I was able to breathe again
For the light of the world to return
I am chaos
And I am home
Summer, Reflections On:
Mirrors have, as their most basic function, the ability to reflect what is before them. But the
marvel of staring at oneself through the perception of this shiny glass is as timeless as the
mirrored experiences of others, in our very corresponding— though the latter is the least
understood, the one that we pay such little attention to. As the Universe is reaching out
through others, it is constantly, consistently trying to get our attention. It is attempting to mirror
back to us the patterns, the behaviours, the actions and reactions that we perpetually repeat,
the universal laws, either knowingly or not. Perceptively or not. And this is the point, because
knowledge is gained when we become aware that there is this thing in our life that needs our
attention, in order to confront, or shift out of, or transform into, or abandon, even— in our very
noticing of what is showing up. And for this to happen, we need experience to guide us. Until
we show up to life, and turn our awareness to the reflective mirroring of energies that are
working through others (and the environments we find ourselves in), we will continue to look
not at the reflecting realities that are here for our very attention and interpretation, but to the
walls that keep things hidden and us stuck, thinking we are safe to reflect without parlaying
with the dance of life— the inner and outer realities that are constantly at play. Truly (and this is
how I see it), we are the one’s who keep ourselves locked in this holding pattern with life, and
all that this alive to this world— where the only possibility for clarity is in the acknowledging or
perceiving of that which is vying for our attention, that which is seeking to engage us. But all
too often, we are too busy looking either back or away, or willfully projecting forward, to see
what is actually here (and that could free us from what grips our minds)— that we are
constantly reflecting one another, and that there is our greatest teacher.
Fall, Ocean Side:
I sat by the ocean, in stillness, waiting for you to return
Listening to the lapping sounds of a homecoming call that you had echoed to me for years
Sometimes, I recall, you would stay awhile, swirling your melodies around me, stirring in me
remembrances, where feelings (with so many names) reside
But it has been awhile, since, well, since the undertow has drawn me deep into the expansive,
ocean side of awarenesses
So, as I attempt to just exist here, waiting for you to return,
at once endeavouring to hold you, the you that swims around the years of my life and all her
memories with such ease, reaching out for you, grasping for that which can never be held in
my hands, one whose presence can only be felt with the heart—you without form
When I realize, from a gently held inner space of knowingness—you never left,
For you and I, the you that seeks and the I that is ever fluid in her presence—in this fleeting,
yearnful reverie—that you and I are intertwined, interlaced, a coupling of energies derived from
the same current that moves through everything that is alive to this world
So, here I sit, at the water’s edge, understanding here, that someday is neither near, nor is it far
—for it is ever here, ever here where you are
Winter, I came to this world with a purpose:
I came to this world with a purpose
(just like you)
Discovering, in each moment
Through every interaction
With outside (and inside) experiences bringing to me
(stirring within me)
All that I brought to this world to heal
So that I may show you
(as you, simultaneously, show me)
Just what it is that we came here to do
Revealing at each phase of growth, a shared, collective expansiveness
(though transforming at times, in quiet isolation)
So that we may demonstrate to the world just who we came here to be
(to become)
Nestling deep into what we have come here to amass and to know
(and to transfer and pass on)
So that when it comes time to leave
We will be ready (and willing) to go
Feeling ever so sweetly, that all that we are
All that we have experienced
All the work we came here to accomplish
That it indefinitely changes hands
Being passed onto those who came after us
Who we nurtured, practicing sublime vulnerability
(teacher and student, student and teacher)
Who now care for us in these final moments, as we prepare for this next transition
(a sending off, of sorts, an onward journeying)
Because the mantle was never meant to be ours forever
Rather we are the forever mantle of a vibration that lives on, eternally, one that is greater than
space and time, living on through the love we each came here to deliver
As we are delivered from this world, with no greater purpose than to have been a willful and
loving participant
I remember, that I came to this world with a purpose
And I leave, knowing, just as well
Final Note, Ancestral Vessel:
I am the vessel of my ancestors.
I am the makings of a people who thrust me forward, into the future, to carry on the work that
wrestled with
cried over
created ceremony around
And passed on to me
I, as a vessel of my ancestors, make a solemn vow.
To take up the mantle of a people that I know, through kinship, through my DNA, through the
astral travelling that helps me to transcend time so that I may know
the truth, more deeply
the pain, more deeply
the stories, more deeply
the resurrection of our collective journey and our mission, more deeply
the depths of who we are, more deeply
I am my ancestors.
And healing is multigenerational.
Student 17
Academy has been a beacon of hope for me, one that has allowed me to reconnect with my supreme and divine essence. This school has been and still is a fundamental pillar of my quest and experience. I want to thank from the bottom of my heart Brana, all the students and the reiki masters of this academy. For too long I have been in a path of hatred and deep self-destruction that sent me through difficult times to face, acknowledge and accept my demons.
Learning Reiki has been a real revelation for me in my evolution and redemption to rediscover the path to self-love. I then began to attract a new reality for myself; the reality I wanted to create. I now clearly see my life mission and the quintessential of the why that I have reincarnated, here and now. I have a more and real connection with myself, through constant practice and persistence. It’s life changing for me, doing Reiki every day, it is magical, mystical, bigger than myself and gives me a feeling of total bliss. I feel so alive in my body and in the other realms as well. The grief has transformed into amazing joy. I now understand the power I have and that everyone can connect with their inner wisdom and tap in their greatest strength !
With infinite blessings to all sentient beings,
Love, always.
Student 18
I would rather entitle my story “what a community can do, if you follow your star”
My “star” appeared on my path about 3 years ago, when driven by curiosity, I decided to attend a meditation which was scheduled to take place in a park, 5 minutes from where I live.
It was new to me and I thought I would be flying during meditation, but it was just a thought… Instead, I flew into myself and I had the awakening. Still distrustful, I thought it was just an experience that meditation driven by a Thero, the buddhist monk I met. There I met a person who shortly became my friend. She, because my story starts with her, very discreetly mentioned meditation, reiki, bliss, compassion, friendship, gatherings to share the same beliefs and paths, teachings during our conversation. Still distrustful, but a bit curious… so, I started to look for more information.
Time decided for me and I saw a shared post by my friend. Decided to try my luck, like tried before some other things I went to a first Academy community meeting.
All started that day! Life offered me some gifts that day, I understood later, when I was ready to see the full meaning of it.
My gifts were a blessed and loving teacher, Brana Ananda – her name is so much meaningful now, when I see on my own! She is a world on her own, a light shining my way … and other members of the Academy community .
Academy is more than a family! It is like a “people”hood, lighthood, friendhood, it is a place where your inside light starts shining more and more, where the knowledge you get has a value which can not payable in any currency, where you get friends for life, where you ask for help when you need and you offer your help unconditionally, where hugs are free and where you cry loud because of happiness
My light was turned on and decided to start studying Reiki at the Academy. Was not so sure it would be of any good but me… I was not that trustful in myself.
Academy meaning Brana Ananda fixed my wings, sprayed them with lots of wisdom, compassion, unconditional love, bliss, grace, convinced me that I am worthy … and now flying on my own, thousands of kilometers away from the Academy, but spreading the word about the Light each one of us is carrying, flickering… Find your own Whisperer of Light …
My path is now wide open by the Academy where I learnt that I am enough and I can do anything if I put my mind, body, soul and spirit to it.
Believe in yourself, before anyone does! All matters is to find the right Lights on your way and understand the story the flames are telling you
The most important gift I received from the Academy was the dictionary I received so I can understand the meaning of what became my life!
Thank you in the most humble way, to anyone I met at the Academy, because everyone was my Teacher in an unique way.
Student 19
Hello, hello, my master, my beautiful soul. Yes, many challenges. We’ve been through a lot. I can feel it. And of course, since we’re very connected, we’re going to feel it even more. You told me once, more you expand, more you receive challenges, to expand even more.
You’re always, always there. When I transmit to people, you’re always there. You’re in my voice, you’re in my thoughts, you’re in my heart. I’m so, so, so grateful for a friend to make me meet you. There are no coincidences of course. We all know this. But I’m so grateful that it did, because it really changed my life.
And I doubted that I could do this. I didn’t even want to do this. I don’t know if you remember, I was telling you: I don’t want to do this, I have a different profession. And yet, it’s a difficult path, and so rewarding, and so beautiful at the same time. At the end of the day, you realize that for yourself there is no other path than that. And you taught me this.
So, now I’m teaching to the little babies, the same thing that you did for me. And those babies, they are growing. And now some of them they even practice in clinique. The one who received the level 3. It’s beautiful. I send you always, always, always, so much love. And I’m always there for you, by the way. If you need, I don’t know. It’s not about a student or master or teacher. It’s about love. And it’s about being equal. You taught us this that we’re equal. We’re not better than others. So if any time you need me, I’m always, always there for you. So much love.
May 2021 be a beautiful year of observation, of learning, and of teaching, and of expanding. This is what I wish you. Have a beautiful, beautiful start of the year!
Student 20
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