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Inner Peace and Happiness Pearls of Wisdom

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The Center for Consciousness Development organizes event on Zoom, Facebook, and in person to share the teachings of Inner Peace and Happiness Pearls of Wisdom in the loving memory of Vinesh Saxena. These events are donation-based, and a receipt will be provided for donations of $20 and above.

Yoga, Meditation, Conference, and Brunch

The event will be in person, on Zoom and on Facebook live.

Saturday, July 27, 9:00 am to 1.30 pm
  • 9 am to 10 am Yoga
  • 10:30 am to 12 Conference
  • 12:30 am to 1:30 pm Brunch
  • 1:30 pm  to 2:00 pm Clean up

Address: 2027 Rue Daniel, Longueuil, QC J4J 5M1

Register: Click here

Zoom ID number: 865 9625 3847
Zoom Password: 12345

Conference:  Inner Peace and Happiness Pearls of Wisdom

Center for Consciousness Development

How to find inner peace in the chaotic world? Did you experience true happiness? Learn about the easy-to-apply methods to balance and harmonize our emotions, and mind, and feel good. Enlightenment-based approach. We’ll use a combination of meditation, chanting, breathing, and mind training to experience tranquility.  GM Brana will transfer energy to all for their well-being.