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Harmonious Relationships


Create Harmonious Relationships

This is for anyone who would like to improve their relationships. Bring your family members, business partners, co-workers, friends and romantic partners.

  • Create Harmonious Relationships
  • Improve Your Relationships to Transform Your Life
  • Became a Relationship Harmonizer in Your Family and at Work
  • Open Your Heart to Abundance
  • Attract an ideal soul mate by aligning with the unconditional love vibration.

To address a natural tendency of the physical reality to chaos and disorder, we need to put energy into creating harmonious, healthy and happy relationships. At DivineYu Wellness Center we create a perfect environment to address challenging relationships in an easy and fun way. You’ll learn how to act from a place of love and compassion towards self and others. You’ll get inspired to attract love and harmony in your life all year round. This wellness service uses simple spiritual advices and exercises, which gently guide the attendees to find their own path to happiness.


Respect and evolution are essential ingredients in a harmonious relationship. Harmony depends on the ability to align with the universal principles. – GM Brana

Stats Canada

According to Stats Canada*, over forty percent of marriages in Canada end in divorce before the thirtieth wedding anniversary. When the family unit is dissolved, this can have adverse effects on the financial, social, psychological, and physical well-being of the couple divorcing and their children.

Over forty percent of Québec population aged fifteen and over is single. We also need to consider that close to thirty percent of province’s population is under 25 years of age and fifteen percent is aged 65 and over.

Relationship issues affect many businesses and friendships, which could be otherwise long-term successful. Even if people decided to separate, in this class they can learn how to do it with respect and in peace, thus avoiding negative outcomes. It’s very easy to break relationships, complain and judge, while it takes virtue to evolve emotionally to a state of loving consciousness.

DivineYu Wellness Center offers a safe, nurturing and supportive environment to express your true self.

*References: https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2011/as-sa/fogs-spg/Facts-pr-eng.cfm?Lang=eng&;GK=PR&GC=24

GM Brana does what she teaches and lives a happy, healthy and harmonious life. She receives great support from her family, particularly from her husband, sister and parents in all her endeavours. She cultivates respect and love with DivineYu guest teachers and over thousands of students and clients around the world. Brana also embraces her relationship with nature – plants and animals on a daily basis. Brana uses ancient wisdom and latest science, as well as the universal principles to teach how to create harmony and health.