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Wholistic Nutrition

What is Wholistic Nutrition?


Holistic Nutrition is a natural approach to health. It is a treatment from a whole-person perspective through the integration of mind, body and spirit.

The holistic method seeks to eliminate not only the symptoms but also the root cause of the existing imbalance. It uses evidence-based techniques for diet, lifestyle and detoxification.

Learn one of the most powerful healing tool, unlock the key for disease prevention and enable your body capacity to self-heal. Wake up your full potential by using the hidden power of healthy nutrition!


What You Will Learn?


Which whole foods, herbs, and spices have been scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease. Tools for plan-based lifestyle implementation. Which foods to eat and avoid.


How to cleanse your body with only natural ingredients and methods. Detox for various organs. Types of toxins in the body from foods, water, toxic substances and environment.


How to lose weight in a healthy way. Boost your metabolism and feel energized. Herbs, supplements and antioxidant rich foods for anti-aging. Essential oils and organic cosmetics.


Live food and bio-photons for our spiritual evolution. Stress management techniques. Lifestyle changes for happy and healthy life. Basic rules for better living in modern world.


Who Should Attend?

  • Individuals who want to reverse disease and gain optimal health.
  • Healthcare professionals, holistic practitioners, life or health coaches.
  • People who struggle to lose the weight.
  • Anyone who wants to prevent diseases and live long and happy life.

What Will You Get?

  • Instructor-Led Training and Manuals
  • Wholistic Nutrition Certificate
  • 3 live food smoothies and meals a day for detox made out of high quality (mostly local) organic, live veggies & fruits, nuts, seeds, sprouts, sea vegetables and super-foods
  • Whole Food Recipes­
  • Recommendations on Holistic Literature
  • Published Case Studies on healing various conditions with food- cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, lung disease, osteoporosis, obesity, candida, digestive conditions, multiple-sclerosis and others.



GM Brana, MSc biomedical engineering, eCornell University- T. Colin Campbell Plant-Based Nutrition certified

GM Brana is a spiritual teacher at DivineYu, an academy for naturo-therapy, wellness and self-development. Born with natural capabilities to harmonize subtle energies, she uses this gift to assist her students in their personal evolution to enable them to reach their full potential and inner peace. Brana holds a Master of Science degree in biomedical engineering. She integrates ancient wisdom, modern science and unconditional love energy to be used for both wellness and happiness. She’s a graduate of the nutrition program at the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies from eCornell University, based on whole-food plant based nutrition for therapy. Brana is a member of the Canadian Naturopaths and Naturo-Therapists Association.


For more information please contact info@divineyu.com
or phone (514) 999-4018

2-Day Wholistic Nutrition Program
3 Meals per day included
Max number of participants is 10
No pre-requisites are necessary

460 Rue Saint-Catherine West, Suite 908, Montreal, QC, Metro McGill Metro

Fees= $350+tax