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Reiki for Individuals

Reiki for Individuals

Reiki for Individuals

DivineYu Reiki therapies enable you to remove energetic obstacles to wellness, amplify your inner abilities, balance the spirit, body and mind, and thus achieve happiness. In-person or remote, pain free technique that is safe, natural and effective.  A Reiki Master will ensure that your session brings forth relaxation and wonderful feelings of peace and wellbeing.

This therapy awakens the life force and it causes the body to regenerate itself. It’s aim is to alleviate pain and various acute and chronic physical conditions. The result is a body, mind and spirit balancing, which can lead to profound changes in wellness, inner strength and peace. Each person has a unique energy field. The knowledge of how to recognize and treat it using natural sources is ancient and highly developed. Our ability to attract, assimilate and direct life energy effectively is absolutely fundamental to our well-being. The more we can direct energy efficiently, the more we will be able to enjoy our own health, abundance and happiness, and the more “alive” and vibrant we will feel. Even a single therapy may change your life forever. This gentle and powerful treatment makes you feel relaxed and re-energized.

Reiki Session

To schedule a Reiki session, please call us at (514) 999-4018 or email us at  info@divineyu.com

Reiki session with a Reiki Grandmaster: $150 + tax
Reiki session with a Seveth Degree Reiki Master: $100 + tax
Reiki session with a Third Degree Reiki Master: $75 + tax

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