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Self-Healing Meditations – Soul Therapy

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Immerse yourself in an 8-week self-healing meditation program at DivineYu to inspire your well-being. We’ll combine ancient wisdom and modern science collected around the world, applied in a practical way for wellness. Discover an oasis and a source of infinite light and love within you. In your heart the most beautiful flower is awaiting to blossom. Let love flourish in all its forms!

Every Wednesday, 7pm-8:30pm

  1. February 20: Drumming – Shamanic Journey for Healthy Self-Esteem;
  2. February 27: Body Wellness – Healthy Nutrition & Purification, Gentle Stretching, Pranayama Breathing;
  3. March 6: Emotional Wellness – Letting Go, Happiness – Love – Peace;
  4. March 13: Soul Therapy – Reiki Energy;
  5. March 20: Mind Wellness – Meditations, Relaxation, Positive Belief System;
  6. March 27: Spiritual Wellness – Align with Your Life Purpose;
  7. April 3: Mantras, Mudras & Sound;
  8. April 10: Conscious Movement – Dance

Preparation: Prepare a meditation place at your home that has a meditation cushion or a chair, is clean and quiet; place a live flower nearby, your favourite crystal, and sacred objects.

Kelly A. Turner, PhD, a researcher and psychotherapist who specializes in integrative oncology studies people who have experienced what she calls “radical remissions” from seemingly “incurable diseases.” Kelly Turner’s Radical Remission shows that it is possible to triumph, even in situations that seem hopeless by encompassing nutrition, relaxation, emotional wellness, spirituality, and other factors that profoundly affect our health and well-being.

So what were the 9 key factors that these patients with radical remissions employed?

  1. Radically changing their diet.
  2. Taking control of their health.
  3. Following their intuition.
  4. Using herbs and supplements.
  5. Releasing suppressed emotions.
  6. Increasing positive emotions.
  7. Embracing social support.
  8. Deepening their spiritual connection.
  9. Having strong reasons for living.

At DivineYu we apply all 9 factors for prevention and returning to balance and harmony.

Heal documentary trailer: https://youtu.be/s5Hpm-6Inxc

Connection documentary trailer: https://youtu.be/oke17WPcCLM

Eating You Alive trailer: https://youtu.be/M8sGE5n-i1Q

To register for a program of 8 meditations, please e-transfer $99 to info@divineyu.com, you’ll enter faster. Or pay $15/meditation (in total $120).