A truly spiritual person consistently searches for truth in ancient scriptures, science and nature, without being attached to any particular belief system. A person on a spiritual path strives to evolve, and aims to understand himself or herself.

Formula for Happiness:
Visualize Harmony and Beauty in your life
Generate positive Thoughts
Amplify them with Love and Compassion
Realize them with disinterested and kind Actions
Synchronize your energies with Wisdom
Concentrate all your attention on Good
Happiness is the strength initiated by your own power. – GM Brana
Meditating, practicing yoga, attending self-development classes and retreats, singing mantras, belonging to a spiritual group does not make someone automatically spiritual. Taking substances and plants, which create fantasies, does not foster a spiritual evolution, but damages the nervous system. Repeating some words like “oneness”, “consciousness”, “unconditional love”, “spirit”, “soul”, “awakening”, “ascension”, “enlightenment”, “omniscient” and posting various quotes of other people does not make someone spiritual. It’s not about rituals, beliefs, or even meditation. Spirituality is becoming more in tune with the essence of who you are.
Ego-ruled existence is expressed by pride, greed, envy, jealousy, lust, backbiting, stinginess, malice, anger, arrogance, attachment, superiority, laziness, anxiety, depression, love of fame & praise, cheating, defending an illusion and creating drama. Mankind knows about ego challenges for thousands of years, and yet certain humans even amplify ego expressions during their lifetime. Only upon resolving ego challenges, it’s possible to reach self-realization. Thinking that one belief system is better than the other represents one of the major obstacles to self-realization, and is related to a “superiority” ego challenge. Truly spiritual people have developed a range of virtues such as acceptance, compassion, courage, creativity, confidence, detachment, eloquence, fairness, focus, forgiveness, grace, gratitude, honor, hope, humbleness, humility, humor, kindness, loyalty, moderation, patience, perseverance, prudence, reliability, resourcefulness, respect, self-discipline, simplicity, sincerity and tolerance.
Should you persistently work towards creating new virtues and resolving ego-challenges, you are indeed on a spiritual path. Searching for a magical wand or super-powers brings one in the opposite direction of spirituality and delays one’s evolution. A truly spiritual person has an elevated conduct and hers or his mind is pure. A spiritual person is humble, compassionate and undisturbed by changes, is free of any dogmas and practices the formula for happiness. The formula for happiness is very simple: (1) visualize harmony and beauty in your life, (2) generate positive thoughts, (3) amplify them with love and compassion, (4) realize them with disinterested and kind actions, (5) synchronize your energies with Wisdom, (6) concentrate all your attention on good. Happiness is the strength initiated by your own power. Our civilization needs to evolve to understand and utilize the power of thoughts to affect energy field charges in the invisible world and the structure of matter in the visible world. There is no one and nothing in between you and the Source, and no intermediaries can provide this connection. Only you can, and you are given limitless capabilities to make it a permanent state of being. Tackle your ego challenges and build new virtues, and let this life be your crown achievement.
Join us every Wednesday at 7pm to meditate together at the DivineYu studio (460 Saint Catherine West, suite 908). For more information please contact info@divineyu.com or phone (514) 999-4018.